Visit of Director General, Director General of Audit (Central), Kolkata, India (1-5 July, 2023)

Smt. Debolina Thakur, Director General, DGAC, Kolkata and the accompanying audit team visited Punatsangchhu-I Project for attending the Joint Audit Exit Review Meeting held on 3.7.2023 at Bjimthangkha, Wangdue. After the meeting, she visited various project sites on 4.7.2023 whereby the status and progress of various components like the Dam Site, underground Power House, Surge Shaft, etc. were observed. While at the Power House site, the DG and the team also planted a few tree saplings by the muck dumping site near the Surge Shaft area. The DG appreciated the progress of the works at the sites and urged upon the Management to complete the project on priority once the two governments decide on the diversion scheme to be adopted

  • Visit of Dzongdag, Dzongkhag Administration, Wangdue Phodrang (10 July, 2023) 

With the taking over of Dzongkhag Administration, Wangdue in May 2023, Dasho Phub Rinzin, who is also the Authority Member of PHPA-I made a familiarization visit to the Project on Monday, 10.07.2023 along with other senior officials from the Dzongkhag. Dasho was received at the Dam site by the Management of PHPA-I and apprised about the Dam site work progress and challenges faced by the Project. Dasho also visited the left bank site from where he gathered an overview of the right bank slide and the current status of the same. Thereafter, Dasho visited the underground Power House complex where he appreciated the completion of Civil Works and the advanced progress achieved on the Electro-Mechanical Work fronts. After completion of the visit, Dasho proceeded to PHPA-II sites in the afternoon.

Visit of HE the Ambassador of India to Bhutan Shri Sudhakar Dalela to PHPA-I

His Excellency (HE) the Ambassador of India to Bhutan, accompanied by Shri Utkarsh, Second Secretary (Development Cooperation & Energy) visited the PHPA-I Project sites on Saturday, May 27, 2023.

HE was received by the Managements of PHPA-I & PHPA-II at the Field Hostel at Bjimthangkha Township, Gasetshogngom, Wangdue. After that, HE visited the PHPA-II sites in the morning and visited the Powerhouse complex of PHPA-I in the afternoon. During the visit, HE took stock of the progress made on both Civil & Electro-Mechanical work fronts. The Management apprised the HE of the various works underway in the underground powerhouse. While appreciating the progress so made, HE voiced his concerns on the need to ensure the preservation of erected Generating Units and associated equipment so that they remain functional once the Dam/Barrage is completed.

In the end, the Ambassador expressed his satisfaction with the progress achieved
in the project and applauded the collaborative efforts of the Indian and Bhutanese teams.
He reiterated India’s commitment to supporting Bhutan in its pursuit of sustainable development and emphasized the project’s role in strengthening the bilateral ties between the two nations.

PHPA-I celebrates Social Forestry Day 2023

The Social Forestry Day 2023 coinciding with the Coronation Day of the Fourth Druk Gyalpo, His Majesty The King Jigme Singye Wangchuk was observed in PHPA-I by planting 100 tree saplings consisting of various fruits and local trees by the Powerhouse ridge area (Surge Shaft Top & Batching Plant near BHU at Ruchekha village).

The Management, Senior Employees, Management of HCC (PH Civil Contractor) and the Student Scout Group from Bjimthangkha Pry School along with Scout Masters joined the celebration to plant the tree saplings as a part of the Project’s endeavor to rejuvenate and restore the muck dumping yards in those areas.

In the morning, H.E. Shri. Gulab Chand Kataria, Governor of Assam, GoI also participated the Social Forestry Day by planting a Peepal (Ficus riligiosa) tree at Bjimthangkha Township.

MoESD implements Reskilling Training Programs for Retrenched Employees of PHPA-I

Owing to the substantial completion of the project works, the PHPA-I had retrenched about 244 employees w.e.f. 31.8.2022 who were mainly in the categories of Helpers, Peons, Computer Operators, Sweepers, UDCs/LDCs, Work Supervisors, etc. among others.

Given this unavoidable situation and the plight of those employees, His Excellency Lyonpo Loknath Sharma, Minister for Economic Affairs (now Energy & Mineral Resources), who is also the Chairman of Punatsangchhu-I Hydroelectric Project Authority (PHPA-I), in collaboration with Ministry of Education and Skills Development (MoESD), has explored for skilling programs in September 2022 with erstwhile MoLHR and provided opportunities for those retrenched employees to learn new income-generating skills to help them sustain their livelihoods.

His Excellency Lyonpo Loknath Sharma

His Excellency Lyonpo Loknath Sharma, Hon’ble Minister of Economic Affairs and Chairman of PHPA-I visited the Project on 21st December 2022. He also visited Powerhouse and reviewed the ongoing works.

The Punatsangchhu-I Hydroelectric Project held its 23rd Authority meeting on November 24, 2022. The meeting was held in Thimphu, Bhutan.

Shri Alok Kumar, Secretary (Power), GoI accompanied by the HE Ambassador of India to Bhutan, the Joint Secretary (North), the Joint Secretary (Hydro) and other delegates briefly visited the Punatsangchhu-1 Project site on 30.10.2022. The delegation was received at Dochula by both MDs of PHPA-I and PHPA-II on 29.10.2022.

Besides the Powerhouse, the delegates also visited the Dam site and the proposed Barrage site while returning to Thimphu.