Construction of Head Race Tunnel (HRT) from Adit-I & Adit-II
Out of 8.9 km of Head Race Tunnel, construction of 7.39 km HRT was awarded to M/s Gammon India Limited. To facilitate the construction of the Head Race Tunnel in contract package MC-2, two adits, 7 m dia D-shaped having lengths of 281.0 m & 493.0 m respectively have been constructed. Adit-I & II meet the HRT at RD-2285 m & RD- 6225 m respectively. Adit –I have been constructed to facilitate the construction of HRT of 2,198.63 m upstream and 1,969.87 m downstream and Adit-II has been constructed to facilitate the construction of HRT of 1,969.87 m upstream and 1,253.00 m downstream, which joins the balance Head Race Tunnel under package MC-3. Development of portal and excavation of Adit-I & II has been completed on November 27, 2009, & January 2010 respectively.
Work Completion
The construction of the Head Race Tunnel has been completed in all respect on June 30, 2015. The joint inspection of HRT was conducted by a committee comprising of representatives from RGoB, nominated by DHPS, Ministry of Economic Affairs, RGoB; Consultants (WAPCOS), and PHPA-I in August 2015. All the rectifications and observations suggested by the Committees during the joint inspection have been attended and completed in all respects. The Contract was successfully closed in March 2021.